Monday 27 October 2014

Game 1 design process (Game 1) second post:

When i got some stuff set up i needed to think how i was going to do this. stared thinking about what kind of  GUI i will be using for in game and the menu and needed to also think about the dinosaurs what one i will use i did say in a blog post be four that i used the Dilophosaurus but here are some i was thinking about useing

Euoplocephalus                                                                    Styracosaurus
The Dinosaurs, Best Dinosaurs Pictures, Dinosaur Pictures, Dinosaurs, dinosaur, dinosaur pictures, dinosaur photos, illustrations of dinosaurs, dinosaur collection, dino photos, Dinosaurs images, Dinosaurs images, dinosaurs pictures, T-Rex, Dinozaury, flying dinosaurs, dinosaur drawing, Drawings of Dinosaurs, world of dinosaurs, the world of dinosaurs, dinosaur herbivore, dinosaur carnivore, dinosaurs flying, pictures, walking with dinosaursuOe3o6Ct4u-Dinosaurus_-_Dinosaur_-_Dinosaurio_-_Dinosaure_-_Styracosaurus001.jpg

and for the map lay out i just wanted to have a top down camera looking down on the cave floor and you will see cut of cave walls at a set height.

here is my original map for the game level the boxes are the walls and the red dots are the food.

next i took the image in to 3DS max to block it out to see how it looks and it looked good and i chose where you would spawn at that point.

The green box is where the player will spawn and the red cubes are where each piece of fruit will spawn.
then i changed the map a bit because it looked a bit small so i removed two of the food and made a place on the map a bit biger.

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