Thursday 30 October 2014

Game 2 design process (Game 2) Second post:

so i started to put my asset list together so i know what i need to work on the most and what i need to work on the least.

Game Object Asset List
       High priority
Mid priority
Low priority
Space ship
sky box
Space dock
space station 


          Sky box texture                                                                           asteroid texture  

here are pictures of my models i am using.
i only used this one asteroid just changed its size
this is the station you spawn in 
then you go and rescue the stranded astronauts

 this is the station that the astronauts are floating around but you need to take them to where you spawn
this is you're space ship that you save the astronauts in.

this is the astronaut that you will be saving. 

effects and lighting 

the only particle effects i am using is for the ship is has four thruster trails and one vapor trail.
the astronaut has a orange gas particle effect so when you are far away you can see them because it is hard to see them with out it.

only got one light in the scene and it is a directional light to imitate a sun it dose not look right with out the light.

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